Bootstrapping the DePin and AI
Dep Network is a groundbreaking infrastructure layer designed to revolutionise the decentralized physical infrastructure (DePin) and artificial intelligence (AI) sectors.

Our features

Comprehensive solutions for varied DePINs projects and communities


Holistic ecosystem 

We develop a diverse ecosystem of disruptive infrastructure products for DePIN, fostering community ownership via offering real-world incentive mechanisms.



Featuring a governance system designed to give the community significant influence over key decisions, to actively guide the platform’s development and roadmap.


Token Incentivization

Built around a token gated incentivization, meticulously crafted to reward and encourage active participation in the community.


We are offering a broader ecosystem for the bootstrap DePin sector

Tokenization Launchpad

Tokenization Launchpad allows for the tokenization of physical and digital assets including hardware, GPUs, AI models and services.

Compute Marketplace

The Compute Marketplace provides access to on-demand computational power for training and running AI models

Node Launchpad

Our platform facilitates the launch of top-tier node projects, enabling them to raise capital and bootstrap their networks.

Elevating Growthin the DePin Sector

Forging aUnified DePin Ecosystem

Shaping the


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Pioneering Network Decentralization with shared success


Node launchpad

Tokenization launchpad

Compute Marketplace